mi茅rcoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Get to know your brain: Hemispheres.

Brain is divided into two hemispheres: right and left and each one carries out different and specific tasks.

Right Hemisphere:
Holistic thought, intuition, creativity, art and music.

Left Hemisphere:
Analytical thought, logic, language, science and math.

Would you like to know which hemisphere defines your personality?

Watch this video and figure it out!

Thanks for reading!! See you in the next blog 馃槑
Dani- Manu- Vane. 

Get to know your brain: Parts.

Starting with identifying the different parts of the brain...

Frontal lobe:
This part is in charge of the conscious thought, behavior, emotion, planning, personality, organizing and problem solving. Located in the front of the brain.

Parietal lobe: 
In charge of sensory information, perception, arithmetic, spelling and manipulation of objects. Located in the middle top of the brain.

Temporal lobe:
In charge of the sense of smell and sound, processing complex stimulates, memory and understanding language. Located in the temple region.

Occipital lobe: In charge of sight. Located in the extreme back of the brain.

Brain Stem: Signals between brain and spinal cord.

Cerebellum: Balance and coordination.

Brain's magic...

Can we stop right there and admire how our brain controls every single movement that we do?
How it's works 24/7?
How are we capable of doing all the things we know?
Brain is utterly amazing, and we are going to show you some important stuff that will introduce you into this topic. Let's start!!